Who is MakerXchange?

Greetings, friends! We are MakerXchange - and we're glad you're here :)

We are a husband/wife duo nestled in Northeastern Pennsylvania with our small gaggle of children and animals. The concept of MakerXchange actually started as a hobbyist blog centralized around 3D printing, designing and crafting. While one of us is very well versed mechanically/technically, the other is well versed in articulating ideas and BOTH of us hobby-hop like its our job - the blog was common sense. We began our journey on Instagram and Facebook - documenting our wins and paying homage to our failures (which were aplenty!) and we gained a small following. We decided to shift focus from writing about our process to actually producing tangible items for everyone to enjoy once we realized our children would steal nearly every item we made! And here we are! We look forward to delivering and sharing all that MakerXchange is and means to us and we hope you'll tag along.